Top Ten Infidelity News Stories of 2006

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston’s Third annual list of top ten infidelity news stories for the year 2006.

(PRWeb) December 26, 2006 — This is the third annual list of top infidelity news stories for the year compiled by Ruth Houston, a New York- based infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on infidelity-related breaking news, celebrity infidelity, high profile infidelity court cases and popular infidelity issues in the news. Ruth Houston is the founder of and the author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.

1. Brokeback Mountain won 3 Oscars and spawned the term “Brokeback marriages”, focusing national attention on same-sex infidelity and gay married men.

2. BET’s documentary, “The Down Low Exposed” raised public awareness of same-sex infidelity among Black men as a contributing factor to the high rate of HIV/AIDS among Black women.

3. The arrest of Richard Kudlik, a married man who impersonated a US Marshal to dupe 11 single women into having affairs with him, through a chat room for women over 40. This brought widespread attention to married men trolling dating sites to find unsuspecting single women with whom to have extramarital affairs.

4. Super model Christie Brinkley’s divorce from Peter Cook because of his year long affair with a 19-year-old toy store employee, whom he seduced after hiring her to work as his $50-an-hour personal assistant.

5. Worldwide Valentine’s Day Infidelity Awareness campaign spearheaded by infidelity expert Ruth Houston, founder of, alerting infidelity victims that on Valentine’s Day infidelity reaches its peak, thus making it the best day to catch a cheating mate, and the busiest day of the year for PI’s specializing in infidelity investigations.

6. Jim McGreevey’s book, The Confession, discussing the intimate details of his same sex infidelity with an aide, which ultimately led to his resignation as governor of New Jersey and subsequent divorce.

7. ABC’s Prime Time Special “Out of Control: AIDS in the Black Community” which linked the HIV/AIDS epidemic among Blacks to the failure of the Black clergy to address the problem of same-sex infidelity. It spurred Black churches nationwide to take an active role in educating Black women about Black men on the down low.

8. The Federal investigation of New York attorney general candidate Jeanine Pirro for asking ex-NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik to bug her husband’s boat because she suspected him of having yet another extramarital affair.

9. Reese Witherspoon’s divorce from Ryan Philippe because of his alleged affair with Australian actress Abbie Cornish while filming “Stop-Loss.”

10. The resignation of anti-gay moral crusader Rev. Ted Haggard as head of the National Association of Evangelicals after the discovery of his 3-year same-sex affair with a gay male prostitute.

© 2006 Ruth Houston

—-Compiled by infidelity expert Ruth Houston, author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs, and founder of

To interview Ruth, call 718 592-6039
For more information, visit the Press Room at

ATTENTION : Editors, Reporters and Staff Writers
How many of these infidelity news stories did you cover in 2006?
Did you have ready access to an infidelity expert who could comment on:
• celebrity Infidelity
• high profile infidelity cases
• popular infidelity issues
• infidelity-related breaking news

Add infidelity expert Ruth Houston your expert file
and call her at 718 592-6039 whenever infidelity makes the news (and you can be sure it will) in 2007.

About Ruth Houston:
Infidelity expert, Ruth Houston is the founder of and the author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signswhich documents practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs usually overlooked..

Frequently called on by the media to comment on celebrity infidelity, high profile infidelity court cases, and popular infidelity issues in the news, Ruth has been quoted in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Post, Cosmopolitan, Newsday, the Toronto Sun , the National Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Miami Herald, City Life, iVillage, MSN Lifestyle, LavaLife, Netscape Love, Entertainment Online, Hollywood Heat, Yahoo Personals, Netscape Love, and numerous other print and online media.

Ruth has been a guest on The Today Show, Good Day New York, Ireland’s Late Late Show, 1010WINS, CNN, Telemundo, Court TV Radio, TalkAmerica, PowerTalkFM, BBC, CBC, Sirius Satellite Radio and over 270 radio and TV talk showsin the United States., Canada, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean.

For more information, visit the PRESS ROOM at

To interview Ruth Houston,
call 718 592-6039
