Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating: Red Flags to Watch Out For


Infidelity is one of the most painful experiences a person can endure. The fear that your partner might be cheating can consume you, leaving you feeling betrayed and confused. At ASG Investigations, we understand how challenging this can be, and we’re here to help you identify potential signs of infidelity. While none of these signs alone confirm cheating, a combination of several may warrant further investigation.

Unexplained Changes in Behavior

One of the most common red flags is a noticeable shift in your partner’s behavior. They may suddenly become distant, moody, or more critical of you. If they start to pick fights over trivial matters or seem emotionally detached, it could be a sign that their attention is elsewhere.

Secretive Use of Technology

If your partner becomes overly protective of their phone, computer, or other devices, it’s time to take notice. Cheaters often use technology to communicate with their lovers. Look out for sudden changes in password protection, deleting text messages and call logs, or spending excessive time on social media.

Changes in Appearance

An unexpected change in appearance can be another indicator. If your partner starts paying more attention to their looks, buying new clothes, or changing their grooming habits without a clear reason, they might be trying to impress someone else. This is particularly telling if these changes are paired with unexplained absences or secretive behavior.

Decreased Intimacy

A decline in physical affection and intimacy can also signal infidelity. If your partner shows less interest in being intimate with you or avoids physical contact altogether, it might be because they’re getting their needs met elsewhere.

Unusual Spending Patterns

Financial infidelity often accompanies romantic infidelity. Keep an eye on your partner’s spending habits. Unexplained expenses, hidden bank accounts, or sudden large purchases can all be red flags. You might notice charges for hotel rooms, dinners at fancy restaurants, or gifts that you never received.

Excessive Defensiveness

When questioned about their activities or whereabouts, a cheating partner may become excessively defensive or evasive. They might accuse you of being paranoid or overly suspicious. This defensiveness can be a tactic to deflect attention from their own actions.

Changes in Routine

If your partner starts working late frequently, going on more business trips, or suddenly has new social activities that don’t include you, it’s worth paying attention. While there can be innocent explanations, these changes can also provide opportunities for cheating.

At ASG Investigations, we recommend taking a measured approach. These signs are not definitive proof of infidelity, but they do warrant closer scrutiny. If you suspect your partner is cheating, consider seeking professional help. Our experienced investigators can help you uncover the truth, providing the evidence you need to make informed decisions about your relationship. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone; we’re here to support you every step of the way.

5 Ways to Catch a Cheating Spouse

cheating spouse private investigator

Everyone occasionally has sweaty palms, a sinking stomach, a flash of clarity, or recurring feelings about a person or situation in life. Those signs can be a gut feeling or intuition. When intuition strikes, it shouldn’t immediately be ignored. After all, true intuition can be right up to 90% of the time, at least at the moment. However, anxiety and paranoia can also provide the same signs and feelings, especially when you’re dealing with a potentially cheating spouse. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to catch the cheater for good, so you can stop feeling like you’re going crazy or being gaslighted.

Surprise Visit

Most spouses know each other’s schedules and have specific times during the day when they reconnect and spend their family time. But if your spouse is cheating, it’s especially important to him or her that you stick to that schedule. And that’s precisely why you should mix it up! Head over to their workplace for a surprise lunch date. Pack a picnic basket or have reservations set for a special restaurant to cover your tracks. After all, it could actually result in a nice romantic date. But it could also reveal a coworker crush or hidden infidelity.

Engage in Smart Snooping

Almost all Americans today, approximately 97%, own some type of cellphone. And 85% of those are smartphones. Technology makes it much easier to catch a cheating spouse. If you’re going to check on them via technology, keep it simple. Check their phone for hidden or new contacts. Scan their text messages and messaging accounts for intimate or indecent content. And check their social media accounts for new contacts or favorites.

Keep a Journal

Gaslighters get their kicks by using psychological manipulation to confuse their partners and make them doubt their sanity. Many cheaters are experienced or pathological liars. It’s easy to get confused about details when you don’t have them written down in front of you. So document the important things. Keep dates, times, bank records, credit card transactions, and even car mileage in a journal for easy access. A cheating spouse may be able to make you question your emotions, but they can’t ignore documented facts.

Follow Your Gut… Literally

As a last-ditch approach after you have plenty of evidence, you can potentially follow your spouse on your own or enlist a friend for some easy surveillance. However, at no time should you ever attempt this if it might put you or a loved one in danger. If following is a safe option, use a different vehicle or even two if available. Disguise your appearance somewhat, even if you just don a wig, hat, or hairpiece. And never do anything illegal such as trespassing or breaking and entering to get “proof”.

Hire a Private Investigator

The best-laid plans can easily blow up in your face, and even hard-earned evidence can be tossed out of court on legal technicalities. Sometimes, it’s just best to leave it to the pros. The right private investigator for cheating spouses can get the evidence and surveillance you need without sacrificing your time, sanity, or security. Give us a call when you’re ready to get the facts and find out once and for all if you’re dealing with a cheating spouse.

Key Pieces Needed for a Productive Surveillance


Productive Surveillance

Productive Surveillance is paramount to a cheating spouse investigation.  In trying to understand if your spouse is cheating one of the best tools you have is your knowledge of their behaviors.  In hiring a private investigator the key items are the “when, where, and who”.  A private investigator is not a psychic and can not tell you the proper time to go out and find that key piece of information that can get you the proof you are in need of.

The “When” – Identifying a time to send an investigator out is second to none in importance.  We have found that keeping detailed notes of times and dates that it is hard to get a hold of your partner that would indicate something may be going on.

The “Where” – Trying to figure out where to start an investigation may be just as troublesome as the time to begin.  If you believe that your partner is being untruthful about their behaviors they may also be untruthful about their whereabouts.  It is best to locate the specific places that they “have to be” in order to guarantee the investigator locating them at this location.

The “Who” – It is our policy at ASG to avoid doing surveillance on third parties but it helps if you have an idea of who the “other” person may be.  This will give the investigator extra ammunition to gather pertinent information for you while they are in the field.

Although it is an emotional time for you to be contacting a private investigator it is important to take a step back and look objectively at the situation.  We, at ASG, do not wish to go out on a whim and risk the chance of being unsuccessful in meeting your goals.  Feel free to contact our office at 888-677-9700 to discuss the many options in your specific case and our investigators will be able to work through these key factors with you.

If you think you need help learning how to run a Productive Surveillance feel free to contact us.

Husband facing felony charges after reading wife’s email

A Michigan man is facing charges after reading wife’s email. Caution should always be heeded when you are tempted to do a bit of investigating on your own.  The last thing anyone would want to happen is to find yourself in a situation where you break the law in an attempt to find out if your significant other is cheating on you.  The following excerpt was taken from a news source in Michigan in which the prosecutor’s office is taking a pro-active approach to making sure individuals are aware of the legality of gaining access to a spouse’s email.

“A man could find himself in prison after snooping into his wife’s email account.

Thirty-three-year-old Leon Walker of Sterling Heights said he thought his now ex-wife was having an affair so he broke into her Gmail account.

Walker said Ciara Walker’s e-mails showed that she was indeed having a relationship with one of her ex-husbands.

Ciara Walker filed for divorce, which was granted earlier this month.

The Oakland County Prosecutor has charged Walker with felony computer misuse. A charge typically handed out to prosecute identity theft and stealing trade secrets.”


December 27, 2010

While facing the daunting feeling that your spouse may be straying, it would be a good idea to contact an experienced private investigator who would know the most effective and legal approach to getting you the answers you deserve.  Feel free to contact our office at 888-677-9700 to discuss the many options in your specific case.

The Internet Can Cause a Busted Marriage

unfaithful gay spouseSocial media sites can lead to a busted marriage.

If your status is ‘separated’ or ‘going through a divorce’ you might want to stay off Facebook.

Social networking sites are causing a sharp increase in divorce and anything you say on your Facebook page or Myspace page can be held against you in court.

Facebook is an incredible resource for finding classmates, co-workers or making new friends. It’s also a way to rekindle old flames. For a lot of couples, that’s landed them in divorce court and given jilted spouses evidence of their partner’s adultery.”

November 4, 2010


If you suspect infidelity and are wrapped up in the emotional whirlwind it is crucial that you pay attention to, not only, the warning signs but also the outward actions of your partner.  They may offer you an insight into their thought process and may give you key ammunition for your divorce proceedings.  It is important to understand what can and can not be used against you in the court of law.

To discuss surveillance or internet profiling options with one of our highly trained associates feel free to contact us at 888-677-9700.

Texas Judge Upholds the Use of Key Logging Program on Spouse

Texas Judge Upholds the Use of Key Logging Program on Spouse

When looking for additional ways to gather information to support your thoughts that your partner may be unfaithful it is important that you are aware of the laws governing what can and can not be done legally. In this case, the use of key logging program on spouse upholds in Texas.

A Texas court has ruled that a husband accused of monitoring his wife’s computer through a keystroke logger did not violate federal wiretapping laws.

Larry Bagley was sued in June by his wife Rhea Bagley, who accused him of surreptitiously placing audio recording devices in their house as well as a software keystroke logger. The Bagleys are in the process of divorcing.

U.S. District Judge Lee Rosenthal ruled on October 18 in favor of the husband, saying that the court was required to follow a Fifth Circuit decision saying that the federal wiretap law known as Title III does not apply to marital relationships.”

Declan McCullagh

October 29, 2010

If you are looking for that missing piece of information that may facilitate a successful surveillance, a key logging program may be a viable option for you.  It is crucial that this be done on a shared computer and not a private or work computer.

For more details or to discuss surveillance options with one of our highly trained associates feel free to contact us at 888-677-9700.

Parental Infidelity and the “No-Harm” Rule in Custody Litigation

The rules in the courtroom are ever changing when it comes to parental infidelity and it is very crucial for you to understand those cases that are governing your future.  The “No-Harm” Rule started in a few courts but now has expanded from coast to coast.

“When a marriage dissolves, there are often disputes over which parent should be awarded custody of the child or children. In those custody disputes, which are often bifurcated from the rest of the divorce litigation and may be the only unsettled issue remaining in the divorce case, the non-adulterous party sometimes attempts to introduce evidence of the infidelity of the other parent-spouse. Historically, such evidence was admitted because the law presumed that parental infidelity caused harm to children. 2 However, that presumption has been abandoned by most American courts. Today, most American courts refuse to admit evidence of parental infidelity in custody hearings or trials unless there is proof that the parent’s infidelity caused harm to the child. 3 This refusal to admit evidence, herein called the “no-harm” rule or assumption, demonstrates a strong substantive policy that favors avoiding litigation concerning matters of sexual lifestyle and morality over examining evidence concerning the best interests of the child.”

Lynn D Wardle

Fall 2002

Though this court precedent has closed some avenues in custody litigation it is important to speak with your lawyer in your case to understand what can, and needs to, be done in your case.  Here at Advanced Surveillance Group we can offer a full range of services not only in the surveillance arena.  One crucial opening the “No-Harm” Rule leaves behind is the character of the other person involved.  We offer a full range of background investigations that may offer you an insight into whether or not those individuals past would lead the court to view your children as being in harm.

For more details or to discuss background screening options with one of our highly trained associates feel free to contact us at 888-677-9700.

The Cougar

A new trend in the dating scene that grew extremely fast, and may have burnt out, The Cougar!  New studies have shown the same results, the number of older women searching for younger men has drastically declined.

“For example, the study showed most men desire attractive, young females. Often, they look for a much younger woman to be their partner because aging men are looking for ways to feel better about the inevitable process. Young men, aged 20 to 25, are targeting women their own age or slightly younger. No big news headlines here.

Women on the other hand were different but they didn’t cause a big surprise either. Most of the over 40 women “Cougars” in the study weren’t interested in being on the prowl for “Cubs.” They were seeking an older (and hopefully a wealthier man). These findings argue against the “cougar” craze that has become popular on TV Shows and movies, such as “Sex and the City,” and Courteney Cox’s ABC Television series “Cougar Town.”

August 20, 2010

Full Article – Here

No matter the circumstances that you find yourself in, it is not a good feeling to suspect your spouse is being unfaithful.  Even though the “Cougar” market appears to be shrinking it does not mean your spouses options are.  Feel free to contact our office at 888-677-9700 to discuss the many options in your specific case.

Fighting Against Mobile Phone Cheaters

New Mobile Apps Make Adultery Easier

The Way to Fight Back Against Mobile Phone Cheaters!

After last week’s post about mobile applications that made adultery easier for mobile phone cheaters, we have done some digging into the tools out there to aid in investigations of these “PDA” cheaters.  We located the “Iphone Spy Stick” produced by Brickhouse Security that claims to help out people whose significant others have an Iphone.

Besides recovering data such as text messages, calendar appointments, contacts, and pictures, customers can also download the phone’s map history, and discover searched locations and places navigated, including exact GPS coordinates.

Needless to point out, the tool is beyond privy, but those who truly suspect their spouse is messing around may be well entitled to use it.

iPhone Spy Stick also lets you view web history, contacts, and download voice memos.

The data can be saved on any computer or portable storage drive for anytime viewing, and it looks just like an ordinary USB flash drive, so its purpose is not given away at first glance.”


Visit Brickhouse Security for More Info

Although this is a product that we do not sell it offers key information to you as the significant other.  This product may not provide proof of cheating but may facilitate finding the truth.  The hardest part of surveillance is locating the proper time and place to begin the surveillance.  This tool offers you a means to find pertinent times to gather key evidence should you need it.  Feel free to contact our office at 888-677-9700 to discuss the many options in your specific case.

New Mobile Apps Make Adultery Easier

Understanding that adultery has become more and more prevalent may be a concept that is hard for some people to comprehend but with mobile phone applications aimed strictly towards this market may be one contributing factor.  Many of us have heard of applications like TigerText which erases text and phone records after a specific period of time but only a few have heard of’s new application that allows adulterers to set up profiles like

Two-timing politicians, take note: cheating has never been easier., a personals site designed to facilitate extramarital affairs, now boasts slick iPhone and Blackberry versions that help married horndogs find like-minded cheaters within minutes. The new tools are aimed at tech-savvy adulterers wary of leaving tracks on work or home computers. Because the apps are loaded up from phones’ browsers, they leave no electronic trail that suspicious spouses can trace.”


The formula is working. AshleyMadison’s membership has doubled over the past year to 4 million. The Toronto-based site, which takes its name from the two most popular female names in 2001, the year it launched, enjoyed another big boost this week, following Father’s Day, when CEO Noel Biderman says men often feel underappreciated. Traffic to the site tripled on Monday. (Biderman says there’s a similar boost in interest from neglected wives and girlfriends after Valentine’s Day.)”


Jeremy Caplan

June 29, 2010

If the world of a cheating spouse is getting more and more technically savvy don’t you believe you should have an equally savvy investigator on your side?  Feel free to contact our office at 888-677-9700 to discuss the many options in your specific case.