Private investigator Confidentiality

Many prospective clients worry that some way or another, their spouse can find out about our investigation and make us tell them what we learned.  The truth is, many of our clients tell people who they think they can trust about the investigation. Someone hiring a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse is big gossip, and people like to have the “inside info” to talk about. They tell another friend or spouse and off it goes. Word gets back to the target and the surveillance fails. Each month we have someone call who is wealthy and they are worried that we must already be working with their unfaithful spouse and that we will tell them, etc., etc. In all of the infidelity cases we have been involved with during the past five years, this has never happened. We also get the folks who are worried that because the cheating person is in law enforcement or is involved with someone in law enforcement, that all police will somehow know that we have been hired or that the target will “just know”. I have no idea where this comes from and no idea why people have this fear, but it too is baseless.